If you want to be loved, love you.
If you want to be honoured, honour you.
If you want someone to be strong for you, be strong for you.
If you want to be felt, take time for your feelings.
If you want to be heard, listen to your inner voice.
If you want to shine outwardly, let your soul shine inwardly.
If you want to be appreciated, give yourself gratitude.
If you want to be seen, SEE yourself.

Open your eyes and look at the real you. The untainted, untarnished, un-wounded you. The greater YOU that cannot be tainted, tarnished and wounded because it is WISE. You are wise.

Begin to create your meaningful life – whatever that looks like for you – from WITHIN YOU. By creating a different relationship with you. One where you:

Love you.
Honour you.
Be strong for you.
Feel you.
Hear you.
Shine as you.
Appreciate you.
See you.

Practice it everyday. Know your position in life and live into the vision. And remember, as was once stated by who I believe was Albert Einstein: “I’d rather have the whole world against me than my own soul.”